Thanks to our many friends at Harvest Years Senior Center , Representative Lyndon Yearick, DelDot and the su...
If you are in need of our "Medical Appointment Service", please call our front desk at 698-4285 to s...
A “BIG” “Thank You” to the Delaware Transit Corporation! We have received our new whit...
Anyone who has returned from a country with a level 2 or higher travel alert - China, Italy, Iran,...
Update on Services During COVID – 19 Pandemic From Andrew Saul, Commissioner of
Links to Helpful Resources
Delaware 2-1-1 I
We are adding to our home delivery lunch program, to help out during the COVID-19 outbreak, a grocery shoppi...
We are Teaming up with the Camden Pharmacy, as we did with our flu Shots in October,to receive our COVID- 19 V...
If you are 65 years and older, request an appointment for an upcoming COVID-19 vaccination event
OUR ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN! Comes out every Harvest Season. The Harvest Years relies solely on donations ...
Now looking for a part- time Shopper, to provide assistance to eligible,essentially homebound clients for thei...
The Members of your Board of Directors want to report to you the status of the Harvest Years Senior Center as ...
Shall be responsible for transporting different types of clients from centers to customer locations using a va...
Coming in February our First Corn Hole Tournament.Looking for teams of Two,if you our interested&nb...
Now looking for a Part-Time Driver for Our Medical Transport Program. Transporting members to and from there m...
Come one come all ! We are looking to start a Men's and Ladies Social Clubs. Click the PDF file below fo...
2025 Medicare Premiums, Deductibles and
Cost-Sharing Amounts Newsletter.